ta-ta 2013
Tuesday, December 31, 2013,
it's the new-year eve. here i am sitting at my study table, finding the mood to start my case-summary. practically begging for kerajinan. ha8. nway, since morning, as i scrolled down my fb page, people wer greeting farewell to 2013. some posted about their resolutions. well, i believe, i should do one too.
so this time, bye bye miss 2013. yes, 2013 is a lady.
reflecting on the things that has happened :
1) Alhamdulillah, Allah has covered a lot of my weaknesses from the human eyes. For some reason, this year, i have been invited to b the speaker to a lot of 'majlis ilmu'. mainly to train the new naqib/ naqibah. something, that i have never imagined i will be given a chance to do.
2) Allah has tested some of our brothers n sisters in Pahang with the flood. May Allah gives strength to them. But Alhamdulillah, He gave me the chance to get involved in the 'Gerakan Bantuan' to help these flood victims.
3) Of course no one can forget the controversial election we had. If every year, all i did was ignoring the election, not even knowing who were involved in it, this year, i got involved with the campaign process. (which party i was in? secret. ha7) i was part of the medical team, performing the free medical check-up. again, thank u Allah for this wonderful opportunity.
4) Given the trust to be a NAQIBAH.
5) I assisted in minor OT. I sutured patients' hand, foot, and NECK! ha7. applied POP, and used the diathermy.
6) i first met and got engaged with my fiance. *wink*
many things have happened. i have done a lot of things that i am ashamed of, and tons of things that im proud of. either way, i have to thank Allah for all these wonderful lessons.
so what is my new year resolutions? honestly, all i have in my mind, is to pass my exams and be a better muslim. The one who is beneficial to my family and the ummah. in simpler words, im planning to do better for the coming years. may Allah gives me strength.
and may Allah gives u strength and guidance too. insyaAllah. happy new year.
new past