Robe and scroll
Sunday, November 24, 2013,
This is infact, a very late post.
The thing about being 23 is that, most of ur friends have taken another step in life, while u r still stuck in the same place. No, im not taking about marriage, but graduation. It's really awesome to see my friends in their graduation robe. Awwwww im so jealous. But hey, my time will come. InsyaAllah.
Congrats to u too :D
U always told me, u want to b beneficial to the ummah. InsyaAllah., i know u will b one. I will always pray for u in my sujud :)
So syafiqah, it's ur turn plak to finish what u hav started. And honestly, im getting tired. This journey is just too long. 5 years. It's like im stuck in a capsule when everything around me is changing and revolving. And i, im still in the same place. But then, a muslim, NEVER GIVES UP! They take challenges and beat all the odds.
“Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yg paling tinggi derajatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman” - 3:139
new past