soul purifier.
Thursday, January 17, 2013,
The past 4 days, have been the most challenging time of my life. something happened and i have so much difficulty in walking. nak gerak susah. the pain was unbearable. till i have to be totally dependent to pain killer. to make things worst, i have my GP posting. so, sakit x sakit, i have to go to the clinic for my attachment. kena jugak fake kan smile dkt patient walaupon on the inside, Allah je yang tahu betapa sakit. at moments like that, i only have Allah to beg for mercy. setiap hari minta Allah beri kekuatan.
4 days, i could not pray properly, terpaksa solat duduk. everytime i try to stand, the pain was smashing me hard. and those 4 days, i could not sleep at night as the pain was stabbing through me. but i do realise, sakit itu kifarat dosa, sakit itu satu tarbiyah. insyaAllah. memang betul pon, waktu sakit tulah baru hati asyik teringat Allah. setiap kali sakit tu datang, tiada nama lain yg disebut hati, melainkan Penciptanya. bila x boleh solat berdiri lah timbul rasa rindu nk solat betul2. selama ni, waktu sihat, lalai. xnampak nikmat sihat yang Allah beri.
Alhamdulillah, hari ni, the pain is no longer there. td solat zohor da boleh berdiri.
terima kasih ya Allah atas simpati dan tarbiyah yang telah Engkau beri.
“Tidaklah seorang muslim tertimpa keletihan, sakit, kebingungan, kesedihan dan keruwetan hidup, atau bahkan tertusuk duri, kecuali Allah menghapus dosa-dosanya. (HR. Muttafaq Alaih).
sesungguhnya aku telah menzalimi diriku sendiri.
new past