a journey to remember.
Saturday, January 12, 2013,
I've heard about this one awesome place for almost a million times! and i've seen a lot of photos taken at that place too. seems that, it's a must-go-at-least-once for university students. ha8.
so Alhamdulillah i was given a chance to join this group of people to visit this place.
yes, it was friggin' tired. lagi2 for a person like me yang dah lama meninggalkn jogging and running. stamina da x sehebat dulu. but Alhamdulillah, dapat sampai ke puncak.
yes, this post is about my experience hiking up the BROGA HILL.
We left UM around 3.30 am and reach there around 4.30 am.
so start la usaha pendakian kan :)
smpai the 1st puncak around 6.00 am.
fyi BROGA ade 4 puncak. so ni baru level one kiranya.
rehat jap ambil nafas smbil tunggu Subuh
teringat dulu ade kwn ckp dye pg bukit Broga sblom Subuh.
so i asked him, KORG SOLAT SUBUH KAT ATS.
and i was dumb-founded!
people, no matter what u do, solat tu wajib. bumi Allah ni luas, semua tmpt kite boleh solat kalau kite nak. :)
so,before we proceed to next level, we performed our subuh prayer 1st.
jemaah is always better dpd solo kan :)
my senior, Arm jadi imam.
while Nazzeem jd bilal.
may these two dudes b great muslims leader in the future.
sekarang tunggu sunrise je.
the view was.... SUBHANALLAH!
bila dah sunrise, terang lah sang langit :)
rehat jap sebelum turun.
ok, another struggle going down.
mestilah maen cak cak kat semak kan
on the way down i saw this papan tanda.
so paksa potate tgkpkan gmba
abaikan my hyper face.
lps baju penuh tanah sbb slide turun bukit, we decided utk singgah Sg Tekala.
these people rindu nk mandi sungai.
well me, i miss swimming.
of course la bkn smorg boleh masuk pict kan.
sian potate terpaksa tgkap gmba.
so there, POTATE and I :)
for some reason, this pict makes me look extra short pulak kan.
lepas one hour kat situ we decided to head home.
when i say home, i mean, UM SWEET UM. ha7
of course, msty x cukup sorg dlm gmba.
i must say, this is one journey i will truly cherish in life.
bila mendaki la kite belajar erti sabar, bersatu and bnyk lg sbnrnye.
plg best, when u r at the top, the scenery makes u realise, the great power of Allah.
that's y i think it's so rugi kalau org yg naek ats tu and buat bnde x snonoh.
waktu kat ats tu, i saw couples berdua2 an, pegang2. i just hope they are married.
and it's sad to see how some girls were dressed up.
kenapa kena pakai sleeveless and boy's short untuk mendaki?
may Allah opens their heart one day. insyaAllah.
and i think, Malaysian should b more considerate.
it's devastating bila kite nk sedut udara segar on top of Broga Hill, tetibe bau asap rokok.
hish. kat situ pon nk merokok.
anyway, before i put a full-stop to this post,
Happy 23rd Birthday Puteri @Potate @ Pulp
thank u for being there when i need u.
thank u for letting me sleep on ur bed at the most random times.
i love u for the sake of Allah.
smoga jadi wanita solehah, dicemburui bidadari syurga.
u know, this whole trip reminds me of a verse in the Quran,
Orang2 yang mengingati Allah saat berdiri, duduk atau berbaring, dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi, seraya berkata, "Ya Tuhan kami, tidaklah Engkau menciptakan semua ini dengan sia - sia ; maha suci Engkau, lindungilah kami dari azab neraka" - Ali-Imran; 191
next time, i wanna go.... BUNGEE JUMPING.
insyaAllah. heeeee.
new past